Cooking Coke To Crack
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- Steps To Cooking Crack Cocaine
- Making Coke To Crack
- Coke To Crack Conversion
- How To Turn Coke To Crack
- Cooking Coke To Crack
mix the cocaine into water will a pinch of baking soda in aspoon, put the lighter under the spoon until it comes to a boil,take a penny and scrape off the top layer repetidely until you areleft with a white past (crack) let it harden and you are done
Put.2 and if its relatively good coke put a tiny ass pinch of baking soda. Cook, let it solidify, keep cooking, then scrape the oil yellow crap off the top with a penny. Leave the cut and stuff that sunk in the spoon. Crack cocaine is also made from powder cocaine, but because its production doesn't require the use of flammable solvents, it is safer to make than freebase cocaine. To make crack, powder cocaine is dissolved in a mixture of water and either ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Sep 04, 2018 This is the old school method for making a small amount of crack with no special equipment, First full a large drinking glass to the brim with cold tap water. If you have scales measure out a small quantity of cocaine. The add about 20 to 30% 0f the weight of Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Smoking free base gives you quite a rush- just like slamming it. That's why crackheads want crack, and a lina won't do. I'd use 3 parts coke and 1 part baking soda with bottled water. Or better still: ammonia, ether, and acetone.